Hello, everyone its me your fabulous host Chris! ahha. this season we here at total drama where getting tierd of the same old faces so we rounded some new faces from right here in canada and a couple from around the world, ok well we kinda just snatched them from their home countries when we did the world tour season but hey, they deserve a shoot at the million too. this summer 26 new contestints will be locked up in this crummy old duplex. (limo drives up) Ahha. right on time! Lily: uhhh...where staing here?
Chris: yes! anit it a beauty!
Lily: sure...
(Lily confesional): umm, i feel bad for lieing the truth is i really don't like this house.
Buckley: um this doors locked chris.
Ty: So is the yellow one.
Chris: ya, both doors are locked, you can enter when you get your key, if you get yellow your a Screeching Eagle, if you get blue, your a deadly penguin. the yellow keys go to Mara J. , Becky, Uma, Lily, Hidi, Natalie, Olive, Nichole, Leslie, Rudy, Jake, Buckley, and Connor.
Chris: Wow nine girls on one team?
Leslie: No chris eight girls my name maybe leslie and i may be fabulous but i'm still not a girl!
Chris: Whatever! that means the deadly penguins are: Shay, Penny, Torrie, Greatchine, Steph, Ty my man, Kurt, Jarmone, Nate, Brenden, Brody, John, and.. um ugzferd is it?
Ugzferd: ughan jimone flipregx.
Chris:.... ya right.
Torrie: OH MY GOD! LIKE HOLEY CRAP! your hair is totally shaynaynaying right now...and like OMG your name is shay! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! thats so funny!
Lily: um.. so chris said for our challange we had to explaine our selves in the confessional, so there realy isn't much to me um.. i try to be nice...
Buckley: there ani't nothing wrong with me, if you want to vote someone out vote out that farmboy Rudy, i saw him starring at Lily's ..unmentionables, and shes a lady, you don't do that to a lady!
Nichole: There best be some pickles iz can suck the juice out of up in here!
Penny: I Love chess!
Ty: well, uhg every one i meet says im awesome!
Ugzferd: gurgel miz jazz mufa fvsa!
Chris: well not everyone has completed the challange, but ah.. i want each of you viewers to vote out one member of each, team.. if you want to know something about all of our contestints check out the cast pick, until next time chris OUT!
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